Friday, January 31, 2014

Willing To Take The First Step

I went skydiving for the first time in June 2013. While standing on the edge with the wind beating my face and looking at the ground below, the tandem jump instructor asked me if I was ready to jump.  "What am I doing", I thought to myself.  I was "ready" when my feet were planted on the ground but now I feel some extreme hesitation as I stood one step away from free falling to the ground where I once stood.  Am I really ready to take the first step?

As I embark on this new journey that God has set before me, I reflect on this first step that I will have to take. This particular step carries a lot of weight. It is a very small step but it is a defining one. It is less about my readiness and more about my willingness. 

Like the instructor, God made sure that I had the proper equipment on and that it was working properly. The instructor made sure that I knew the instructions prior to me taking that step. He packed the parachute himself (thank God!). He also made sure that I was latched on to him. God does the same. He gives us instructions, equips us for the task ahead and does His part to keep us connected to Him.

As I reflect back to the jump, the instructor was asking me the wrong question.  He should have asked me if I was willing to jump instead of asking me if I was ready to jump.  He was the one that needed to be ready because I was latched to him and he was leading me to safety. However, I had to be willing:

- Willing to follow the instructions given to me
- Willing to trust in his ability
- Willing to go when the time arrived
- Willing to do my part 

When God is ready, we need to be willing.  We need to listen to His instructions, trust in Him completely, believe that His timing is always right and carry out the work that we need to do.  God has given us everything we need to accomplish what He has set out for us to do.  Are you willing to take that first step?

*By the way, I was willing to take the first step in skydiving :)


Unknown said...

I believe a lot of us are in that "first step" phase because of the new year. At the end of last year, there were a lot of things we said we are going to do this year. I encourage everyone to do it.

Anthony M. Briggs, Jr. said...

Great point on the difference between ready and willing

Unknown said...

Thank you, Anthony! We can find plenty of reasons (justified or not) as to why we are not ready to take that step ourselves. God's time or readiness should always trump ours. Once God is ready, it now comes to our willingness. Willingness is as a simple as a yes or no. Any answer outside of "yes" translates to a "no".

The Children of Israel found themselves in that situation when receiving the report from the twelve. 10 came back with negative reports and two came back with an encouraging report. God was still ready but the Children of Israel lost their willingness. Therefore, they were unable to take that step until a new generation came. Once God was ready, this generation had the willingness.

Unknown said...

Thanks for that encouraging article of faith.

Unknown said...

No problem at all. I pray that we all continue to encourage each other in our Christian walk.